Learn about RBG.

The software made by a financial advisor for you!

Increase your income exponentially with the same number of clients!

Stand out from your competition by helping clients get what they really want, not just selling them a product. When you use RBG Concepts ®, not only do you increase your income, but the client walks away with a better understanding of how their financial assets will work for them throughout retirement. Plus, they’ll receive documentation to support your financial recommendations.

Principal Protected Money

Real Estate
Precious Metals

As-Risk Investments

RBG Concepts® Proprietary Software

Rarely does an advisor intend to lose their client any money, typically it is the result of improper diversification of the client’s portfolio. With RBG Concepts ® you will have an extra advantage that takes the guesswork out of asset allocation backed by cutting-edge, industry-leading technology.

Meet the creator.

Meet Curt Wipple, CWS, CEP

Curt has been in the financial planning field since 1981. He started his own financial firm, C. Curtis Financial Group in 1986. In 2001, Curt was working out of his home with one part-time assistant and making a little over $200,000 per year. In an effort to make things easier for clients to communicate their financial needs and desires, Curt created RBG Concepts™ software.

Having no idea of just how powerful this software would be in the client meeting process, Curt’s revenue increased from $200,000 per year to over $2,700,000 per year with this exciting program.

Curt is now combining the knowledge and experiences that have taken him to the top level of advisors nationwide and is sharing his software program as well as his coaching program with Advisors in an effort to help them attain a new level of success in their client meetings.

Curt is a nationally known speaker and one of 24 Forbes Speakers worldwide. Curt has spoken in over 35 states around the country. He is also a published author of three books in the field of financial planning. His most recent book entitled “UNLIMITED INCOME AND MORE FREE TIME” teaches his readers “How to Become a World-Class Financial Advisor”. Curt is married to his wife, Connie, of 42 years, and has two children, Kelly and Kristopher, and seven grandchildren. Curt & Connie reside in Nashville, TN.